A reader asked me how the shutter of the D750 sounds. Well, here you go. All examples at 1/200th of a second.
von lumenatic | 25. Sep. 2014 | Equipment | 2 Kommentare
A reader asked me how the shutter of the D750 sounds. Well, here you go. All examples at 1/200th of a second.
How does the sound of the D750 compare with the D810 (much noisier I understand) ?
I don’t own a D810, therefore I can’t make the comparison, sorry. Compared to the D800 the shutter sound is much less impressive. While the D800 offers a solid “clunk” the shutter of the D750 is lighter and flimsier. But -thank god- the sound of the shutter is not the buy/not buy criterion.