It’s on, I finally moved from shooting stationary bikes to bikes on the road. And yet another bike trip with my Yamaha FZ6 and Dominiks Moto Morini Granpasso. The images were created in the Harz region, a mountain range in Northern Germany.

You’ve already seen the images I took of Dominik in a previous post. I set the camera to 1/400s, f/5 and Auto ISO. The autofocus was set to 3D metering, as it is ideal for fast moving objects. And of course the camera was set to burst mode.

All pictures of the Yamaha FZ6 Fazer were taken by Dominik. He positioned himself in different spots of two nice curves. I drove those two curves back and forth about five times. Dominik panned the camera and clicked off. He switched position after each pass, so I had a variety of images to choose from.

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Always stay safe
when photographing moving bikes ! Stay behind the guardrail or, if there is none, leave some space between you and the asphalt.

Slightly tilting the camera
increases the tension and makes the image more dynamic. Usually a photographer is trained to get a straight horizon. Nothing is more painful for the eye than a tilting horizon, even if it is only slightly off. In action photography though this “rule” has to be broken.


Some images benefit from cropping as you can see in the image below. The original image had too much fores / road on it. Cropping reduces the information and shifts the viewer’s attention to the rider.


To reiterate, the images in this post were taken by Dominik, not me.