D800 grip comparison

D800 grip comparison

After posting the unboxing and mini review video on the MeiKe D800 camera grip yesterday I tested the grip a little. Works fine, all buttons do what they are supposed to do. But when I compared the grip to the MB-D10 for my D300s I noticed some differences in the...
A survey from Nikon on the D800

A survey from Nikon on the D800

Today I got invited to participate in a survey conducted by a dutch company, Ipsos. It seems that Ipsos is doing the survey for Nikon, both logos appear in the invitation email. The survey should take “only” 25 minutes (which is quite long if you ask me),...
Bacon weave (a D800 time-lapse experience)

Bacon weave (a D800 time-lapse experience)

I have not blogged in a while. Many changes in my life kept me busy the last months – a sweet little baby girl, finding a new job, preparing to move into another city, wrapping up everything at my current job, preparing for a big exam and so on. This morning I...
Nikon D800 CLS issue – feedback from Nikon HQ !

Nikon D800 CLS issue – feedback from Nikon HQ !

************UPDATE, September 17th 2013*************** The CLS problem has been solved. On some early D800 cameras a circuit board which controls the popup flash must be replaced. That is what Nikon did with my camera. Read about the solution here and additional...