Original ways to present a money gift

Original ways to present a money gift

Do you know people who say “I don’t like to give money as a present – it is so unpersonal and is not a present to remember” ? If you answer this with yes please forward them today’s post.If you are attending a wedding, birthday party,...
First entry with the iPad

First entry with the iPad

I have an iPad 2 for about a week now. Today’s entry is the first one I am writing on the iPad. Mainly to test the typing process on the glass surface. It is a little odd not to have the haptic feedback or hear the clickediclick of the keyboard. Instead it is...
Hotpixel Removal in Lightroom

I’ve got a hotpixel

Oh my goodness, my camera got a hotpixel. What’s a hotpixel ? To explain that I…absolutely have to do this in German, taking a bow towards the Feuerzangenbowle and a German Star Trek parody “Wat is enne Hotpixel ? Da stelle mer uns mal janz dumm....