In ungewohnter Umgebung
Es war seit langem mein Traum, mal ein Motorrad in einer abgewrackten, leeren Industriehalle zu fotografieren. Das Problem dabei: Davon gibt es nicht allzu viele, und wenn doch kommt man mit einem Motorrad nicht hinein. Ich kenne eine sehr fotogene Location, die...
Aprilia Tuono V4 1100 Factory
Gute Locations zu finden ist nicht einfach. Sie müssen interessant sein und zum Bike passen, dürfen aber auch nicht zu sehr ablenken. Oftmals sind Objekte im Hintergrund wie Bäume, Mülleimer, Schilder, rumstehendes Zeug... daher war ich hellauf begeistert, als Dennis...
Aus wenig etwas machen
Man hat nicht immer die volle Kontrolle über die Bedingungen, unter denen ein Foto entsteht. Man sieht irgendwo eine tolle Maschine, kann sie fotografieren, aber die Umgebung ist, platt gesprochen, Mist. Zu viele störende Elemente im Bild, die vom eigentlichen Star -...
Der DIY PixelStick für Arme, Mk. II
Nach meinen ersten Experiment mit ein paar Taschenlampen, Panzertape und einem Stock habe ich mich an etwas mehr gewagt. Der Pixelstick ist ein Werkzeug zur kreativen Lichtmalerei. Er besteht aus 200 hellen LEDs, die in eine 2m lange Aluminiumstange eingelassen sind....
Alte Gießerei, Teil 2: Ducati Panigale 1299S
An dem Tag, an welchem ich die Ducati Diavel in der alten Gießerei fotografiert hatte, war noch ein zweites Bike dabei. Ebenfalls eine Ducati, diesmal aber eine schicke Ducati Panigale 1299S. Der Besitzer, Kai, hat sich dabei für eine extreme Form der...
Frohes Ostern 2017
Liebe Leser, liebe Motorradverrückten, ich wünsche euch Frohe Ostern und dass ihr allzeit sicher nach Hause kommt, ungeachtet des genutzten Fahrzeuges oder seiner Anzahl Räder. Entspannt schön über die Feiertage und dann geht es frisch weiter in eine tolle Motorrad-...
Motorradshootings müssen nicht immer das volle Programm durchlaufen mit einem tiefblauen Himmel, tausend Blitzen und einer bombastischen Location. Manchmal klappen auch die ganz einfachen Dinge. Ich wurde gebeten, ein paar Bilder einer KTM LC4 zu machen, einer 650er...
Studio für Faule: BMW S1000R
Im letzten Beitrag habe ich Fotos von einem Fotoshooting mit einer BMW S1000R gezeigt. Zwei der Fotos aus dem Shooting habe ich mir für diesen Artikel aufgespart, weil ich meine, dass die verwendete Technik einen eigenen Blogeintrag wert ist. Ich nenne diese Technik...
Alte Gießerei, Teil 1: Ducati Diavel
Es ist zugleich ein fotografisches Klischee und einer meiner lang gehegten Wünsche - Eine edle Maschine in einer morbiden, dreckigen Industrieumgebung zu fotografieren. Lange währte die Suche nach einer geeigneten Location. Die Frage "Kennt einer eine große, leere...
Großglockner Hochalpenstraße
Letzten Juni habe ich eine einwöchige Motorradtour gemacht. Sie dauerte eine Woche und führte mich zunächst von Hannover über den Harz (Kyffhäuser) über München in die Alpen, nach Südtirol, an den Bodensee, die Schweiz, den Schwarzwald, das Rheinland und wieder zurück...
BMW S1000R
Anderes Shooting, anderes Bike. Dieses mal hatte ich eine BMW S1000R sowie dessen Besitzer Thomas vor der Linse. Die S1000R ist das gleiche Modell, welches ich schon einmal beim bike-to-bike shooting fotografiert habe. Die Session mit Thomas war ein sehr vielseitiger...
Der Lichtmalerei-Stock
Während der Vorbereitung auf das nächste Shooting kam mir der Gedanke, dass ich mal etwas Neues ausprobieren wollte. Kürzlich hatte ich erst vom PixelStick gelesen, einem wundervollen Werkzeug für die Lichtmalerei. Der Pixelstick ist eine 2 m lange Aluminiumstange mit...
Projekt: Lehrbuch zur Motorradfotografie
Ich freue mich, ein Herzensprojekt ankündigen zu dürfen! Einige von meinen Lesern (besonders die Hannoveraner Biker) wissen es schon aus persönlichen Gesprächen, jetzt kann ich es aber "ganz offiziell" verkünden: Ich schreibe ein Buch über Motorradfotografie! Heute...
Shooting im Morgennebel
Früh aufzustehen gehört nicht zu meinen Lieblingsbeschäftigungen, aber für die Fotografie mache ich fast alles. Ich bin an diesem Tag extra früh zur Arbeit gefahren, damit ich auf dem Weg dorthin den Sonnenaufgang an einem Feld. Hier sind ein paar der Ergebnisse von...
Yamaha YZF-R1 (Teil 2/2)
Dies ist Teil 2 des Yamaha YZF-R1 shootings (Teil 1 gibt es hier). Dieser zweite Teil ist unterteilt in drei Sektionen: - Setup mit einem Licht - Bike auf der Straße und - Motorrad gegen die Skyline. Setup mit einem Licht In der Motorradfotografie ist es notwendig,...
Yamaha YZF-R1 (Teil 1/2)
Darf ich vorstellen? Dies sind die Yamaha YZF-R1 und ihr Fahrer, Wolfgang. Ich habe Wolfgang über seine Tochter Svenja kennengelernt, die auch fotografiert und in der gleichen Fotografengruppe bei Facebook ist wie ich. Als sie mitbekommen hat, dass ich mich auf...
Etwas ändert sich / something changes…
Etwas ändert sich auf Da ich in und um Hannover fotografiere und mein Publikum ausschließlich deutschsprachig ist, wird ab sofort sämtlicher Inhalt auf deutsch erscheinen. Mir ist bewusst, dass ich damit einige Leser verlieren könnte (ich hoffe, mein...
Bike to bike photography as a pillion rider
Photographing bikes in action can work in two ways. Either the camera is static (at the side of the road) or the camera is moving (on a drone, car or another bike). I've conducted plenty of static bike shoots (aka bike portrait). I have shot bikes in action while...
On the effect of shutter speed
Shooting moving bikes is all about action. Bikes are associated with speed and agility, and that is exactly what photographs of moving bikes must convey. I will dissect the anatomy of action shots in this post and present the effect the shutter speed has on an image....
Improvising a Snoot with a lens hood and duct tape
During my shoot at the potash mine dump near Giesen I needed to focus the light from the flash. I only wanted to illuminate the bike and not its surroundings, so precise light control was necessary. The shooting setup is shown below. At first I tried zooming the flash...
Piggyback Photography
Photographing motorcycles is all about the action. Capturing the speed and showing the dynamics is at the heart of motorcycle shots. I already wrote an article about shutter speed in motorcycle photography (read it here), but I wanted to do a separate article on what...
Fotografieren bei Vollmond
Ich habe in der Vergangenheit schon öfters den Kaliberg in Giesen mit dem Motorrad besucht und fotografiert (z.B. hier mit der Moto Morini Granpasso, hier nochmal mit der Morini oder hier mit meiner Yamaha FZ6 Fazer). Man möge also meinen, das Motiv sei erschöpft. Ne,...
Night of Freestyle
Während der Durchschnittsbiker seine vier Buchstaben auf dem Sitz belässt und meistens brav beide Räder auf der Erde hat, haben die Fahrer der Night of Freestyle ein ganz anderes Programm. Ich hatte vorher...
Hanover Industrial Harbour – Morning
And the title "most photographed bike" goes to... the Moto Morini Granpasso and my Yamaha FZ6 Fazer ! If you read this blog regularly you will encounter those two bikes on a regular basis. The FZ6 is my bike and the Granpasso my friend's bike. He lives next door and...
Frohes Neues Jahr 2017
Ich wünsche euch ein Frohes Neues Jahr und allzeit gute und sichere Fahrt! Die Planungen für die Motorrad- / Fotosaison 2017 sind in vollem Gange. Ich habe eine gut gefüllte Liste mit Interessenten und mache mir Gedanken zu Locations und konkreten Bildideen. Es wird...
Eight tips for photographing moving bikes
After photographing the ADAC curve training I had some thoughts about the basics of bike photography. Today I would like to share some of the insights and provide tips which -hopefully- might help you in improving your photography. As stated in Pirates of the...
Fröhliche Weihnachten / Merry Christmas
Besser spät als nie... Frohes Fest und alles gute für 2017! Ich bedanke mich bei all den Bikern, mit denen ich zusammenarbeiten durfte und freue mich auf viele tolle Shootings im nächsten Jahr. Die Planungen laufen bereits. Better late than never... Merry Christmas...
Studio Session: Kawasaki Z750
Still posting images from a five-bike long studio session I did months ago. This is a Kawasaki Z750. One of my first bike to shoot was a Z750 (see here), so I am happy I had another one in the studio. The images were taken by employing my trusted homemade studio...
Image theft and how I dealt with it
The story starts with a moment of boredom. Out of curiosity I used Google reverse image search to see where my images might or might not appear on the web. I randomly selected a few of my motorcycle images and started searching. The first tries brought nothing...
Touring Scotland: Outer Hebrides
This is part 3 of the "Touring Scotland" series Part 1: Part 2: This is part 3 of the "Touring Scotland" series, the grand finale. We toured the Outer...
Touring Scotland: The Isle of Skye
This is part 2 of the "Touring Scotland" series Part 1: Part 3: After leaving Glenfinnan we packed our bikes again and left for Mallaig to catch the...
Touring Scotland: Edinburgh to Glenfinnan
This is part 1 of the "Touring Scotland" series Part 2: Part 3: It was an uneven pair that started from Hanover. Me on my Yamaha FZ6 Fazer,...
Ladypower and the Triumph Street Triple
Motorcycles are mostly guy things. But there are also many ladybikers who roam the roads and burn some rubber on the hot asphalt. One of them is Bea, a woman full of joie de vivre. Her bike is a Triumph Street Triple, a nasty little powerhouse with 108 hp and a...
Hitting some curves (Yamaha FZ6 Fazer)
It's on, I finally moved from shooting stationary bikes to bikes on the road. And yet another bike trip with my Yamaha FZ6 and Dominiks Moto Morini Granpasso. The images were created in the Harz region, a mountain range in Northern Germany. You've already seen the...
Aprilia Caponord 1200, Part 2/2
Part 2 of the Aprilia Caponord shooting (part 1 here). After shooting on the open road, we moved to a nearby agricultural dock and positioned the bike in front of a huge metal roller door. The background is ideal. It is free of distractions, yet provides some...
Making of: Fotoshooting Kawasaki W800 Custom Scrambler
Heute gibt es ein Making-of Video zum Fotoshooting mit der Kawasaki W800 Scrambler. Carsten (der Besitzer) und ich hatten uns am Restaurant Silvervogel getroffen, um einen passenden Hintergrund für eine Maschine zu haben. Das Shooting dauerte bis in die Dunkelheit,...
Kyffhäuser Pass
At the beginning of June I made another trip to the Kyffhäuser pass in Thuringa. It's a motorbike mekka with 36 curves, winding up a steep hill. I visited it the year before and was eager to drive up the hill again. At the foot of the hill a restaurant and Bratwurst...
Honda XRV 650 Africa Twin
The Honda XRV 650 Africa Twin is a classic. Its appearance in 1988 marked the dawning of an era of powerful offroad bikes. The Africa Twin is built for heavy terrain, the 657cc engine delivers 50 hp and 55 Nm of torque. The 650cc version of the Africa Twin was only...
Playing with Light
Readers of my blog will remember the giant potash mine dump I used as a gorgeous backdrop in previous posts (location scouting and quick shooting). I returned to that location to take some more images. I've got that perfect image in my mind with a deep blue sky during...
Aprilia Caponord 1200, Part 1/2
This week I feature another bike from beautiful Italy - The Aprilia Caponord 1200. Its V2 engine delivers 125 HP and 115 Nm of torque. Being red like a Ducati Multistrada it can be easily told apart from a distance by the missing beak at the front. I have to say I...
Here comes the tooth fairy
The tooth fairy is a magical creature that comes at night to exchange the lost baby teeth of children with money or presents. The tooth fairy is a nice and gentle creature. But not this tooth fairy. This bike is a heavily modified Suzuki GSX-R 750, and the job was so...
Hanover Industrial Harbour – Nighttime
After visiting Hanover industrial harbour in the morning I wanted to go back to experience magic hour. So directly after shooting sunset on the heath I rode on and entered the premises of the harbour. I used the same method as in described in the last post. Camera and...
Offroad, Part 2: Sunset on the Heath
After I went to the heath on sunrise I was happy with the results. Yet it was another shoot with "only" a bike and not the rider. I decided to visit the same heath on sunset and include myself as a model in the shots. I was alone, so my job was riding the bike,...
VT 1100 Honda Shadow C3
The VT 1100 Honda Shadow C3 (what a bulky model name by the way) is a luxurious chopper radiating the spirit of freedom. Its 1100 cc engine delivers only 57 HP, but choppers aren't built for racing, are they? The rider, Björn, suggested a location about half an hour...
Offroad, Part 1: Sunrise on the heath
On a Saturday morning I borrowed my friend's bike and embarked on an early photoshoot. I planned to have another "bike and biker"-session, but getting up at 06:30 in the morning on a Saturday is nothing a sane person would do without an urgend necessity. However,...
Six years of
This little notification just popped up. It has been six years since I started this blog, time flies ! What started as a photo gear and photo technique blog has evolved into a motorbike-centric photography site. It was not planned to go like this, but that's how...
Kawasaki W800 Retro Scrambler
A good location is the key ingredient for a successful photo shoot. When Carsten approached me with his custom built Kawasaki W800 Retro Scrambler we both agreed, that a special bike requires a special location. Since Carsten rides his bike with a pilot-style bomber...
New business cards from
Having found my genre it was time for new business cards. Back in 2011 I got business cards from The company offers high quality business cards and other print articles of all sorts. Most interesting for photographers is the option to get up to 50 different...
Against the sun
You know what I said about noon. Harsh sunlight, not good for photography, go into the shade if you must take images in such conditinos. And don't photograph against the sun, your subject will just be a dark silhouette against a blown-out sky. I chose to break with...
Finding your genre
This article is about some important insight I gained about this blog and my photographic development. But before I come to that I have to go back in time. My first post on this blog was back in 2010 and it was titled "Into the unknown...". In that post I announced...
Video: Post-processing a motorcycle studio image
I have blogged many images of motorcycles in the studio in the past weeks. Post-processing these images took time, since the studio background had to be painted black in PhotoShop. Due to spatial restrictions the backdrop is quite close to the bike (our carport is not...
Lumenatic goes multilingual
Upon request I added a translation plugin to enable all non-english-speaking readers access to the content of this blog. It is a Google-powered widget and will translate the blogpost into any language you desire. Keep in mind this is an automatic tranlation, so...
Studio Shoot, Part 4: Suzuki GSX-R 1000
On the blog we've had the Suzuki GSX-R 600, the GSX-R 750, so what was missing is the king (or queen ?) of the line, the GSX-R 1000. This beauty in the classic Suzuki colours blue and yellow belongs to Dana and was in her possession only for a few weeks when the...
Studio Shoot, Part 3: Kawasaki ZX10R Ninja
Part 3 of the motorcycle studio shoot series features a real beast of a bike. I give you Wotan, the black Kawasaki ZX10R Ninja. Its 188 HP engine catapults the bike to a max speed of over 300 kph. The model is from 2008 and was heavily modified by its owner. To name a...
Hitting some curves (Moto Morini Granpasso)
These are images I took of my friend Dominik on his Moto Morini Granpasso during a tour through the Harz region. We took turns in photographing, so at first I shot Dominik on his bike, then we switched. Choosing a fast shutter speed freezes the bike and its...
Studio Shoot, Part 2: Suzuki GSX-R 600
This is part 2 of another motorcycle studio session. Today I am featuring a Suzuki GSX-R 600. You may remember its bigger brother (so motorcycles have a brother or a sister ?), the GSX-R 750 which I portrayed last year. I have to say that I love the GSX-R line. The...
ADAC Curve Training
Safety is one of the huge topics when it come to motorcycles. A lot has been done on the technology side to make riding safer. There's ABS, traction control, curve light to name a few improvements. Protective gear has become extremely elaborate and even the first...
Offroad Shooting – Behind the Scenes Video
Needs no further explanation. Enjoy !
Offroad shooting, old Continental premises
After a successful test shooting I conducted another session at the old Continental factory premises in Hanover-Limmer. The protagonist of that shoot were Maike and her BMW R1200GS Adventure. It was a little rainy that day and the sand was wet. Not soggy, but a little...
Old Continental premises. Location scouting and Test shooting
In preparation for an offroad-photoshoot I went to the old Continental factory in the northwest of Hanover. The property is huge and was location of a factory complex until it was abandoned in 1999. Since then most of the buildings have been demolished with just the...
Studio Shoot, Part 1: Honda CB1 400
In the past I have conducted studio sessions with various motorbikes (Yamaha FZ6 Fazer, BMW R 1200 GS, Suzuki GSX-R 750). I wanted to take more of such images and scheduled another shoot. Finding bikes was easy - I posted in a local Facebook motorbike group some...
Off the main road
While being on a bike ride with my friend Dominik we drove through a patch of forest. I spotted a rough but accessible path branching from the main (paved) road. So we took a break and I grabbed the opportunity to take some offroad(-ish) images of the Moto Morini...
Greenscreen photography
Recently I got a product photography assignment. A company for medical equipment (tools for endoscopic surgery) wanted me to shoot their products for the new print catalogue. The challenge in this job: All products should be shown on a white background (as white is...
Fagus factory – UNESCO World Heritage Site
After I conducted the bike-to-bike shooting, my friend and I drove a little further to the city pf Alfeld (Leine). The city is located roughly 45 minutes south of Hanover. Alfeld is home of a UNESCO world heritage site - the old Fagus factory. The interesting thing...
Short bike shoot at a potash mine heap
My location scouting session to the potash mine heap in Giesen produced some presentable images. Time to return to the place with better light. It was a sunny spring day and my friend Dominik and I rode off for a nice tour. We stopped at the potash mine heap near...
A magic hour photoshoot with my bike
A while ago I wrote about planning a magic hour photoshoot, read it here. In continuation of my motorcycle frenzy I wanted to conduct a magic hour shoot with my bike. Preparations started thoroughly – I went location scouting and took some test images. There is a...
Bike to bike photography
How could I shoot a motorbike from another motorbike ? Bike to bike photography has intrigued me for a while, but I could not get my head around how to shoot from a moving bike. One idea was to sit backwards on a bike while another person is driving. Sounds scary. Or...
Night sky photography
During a stay in a holiday park last February we had a clear night with a full moon. I went out with my Nikon D750 and the Walimex pro 12 mm f2.8 fisheye lens, set both on a tripod and made some exposures. Camera settings varied between 13-30 sec exposure, f 2.8-f8...
How I shot the easter greetings photos
I hope you all survived easter well and that you had some relaxing days. Today I want to share with you the process of creating the images I used for the easter greetings. The source images looked like this: In case you are wondering: I decided to include a bike in...
Happy Easter 2016
Dear Readers, I wish you happy and peaceful easter holidays ! The easter bunny has gathered some serious horsepower to deliver all the easter eggs. It will ride its KTM Supermoto 990 through your garden, dropping off eggs and presents in every corner. That's German...
The Gimbal Adventure
In 2015 I extensively blogged about motorcycles and posted some GoPro videos. Working with video is a pretty new sensation for me, one has to get used to the fact that the time invested into one video could also produce some dozen images. The “output” in terms of...
Planning a magic hour photoshoot
„Magic hour“ is the timespan between sundown and darkness, where the sky becomes deep blue but there is still enough residual light left to make a decent long-time exposure. Recently I was contacted by a company which trades medical equipment to photograph the new...
Location scouting for the next motorcycle photoshoot
In preparation for my 2016 photo projects I conducted a location scouting trip. The goal was to get some test images to see if a decent perspective and framing can be achieved. The location in question was half an hour away from where I live. In the Hanover region...
I upgraded my Yamaha FZ6 Fazer
For a motorcyclist winter time means mothballing your bike and doing some mechanical work. Since there was no major maintenance work to do on my bike I decided to upgrade it with some extras and individualize it. I'll leave the photography topic of this blog for a...
Big Mouth Billy Bass
Something silly today. I had some time between Christmas and New Year to clean up my harddrive and finish some projects I started, but then set aside for various reasons. The video footage was shot over a year ago. Our caretaker at work brought this little gem one day...
How the christmas motorbike photo was shot
Seasons greetings in 2015 were sent out to my readers in form of a bike decorated with christmas tree ornaments and christmas tree lights: Since 2015 was a motorbike-intensive year the idea was born to combine the year's seasons greetings with this dominating topic....
Seasons Greetings from
Dear readers, it has been a busy year with many motorbike photoshoots and videos. In this spirit I am sending you seasons greetings with a nicely decorated bike. I wish you happy and peaceful holidays and a happy new year ! Cheers, Julian
TimeBoo – A watch made of Bamboo
Meet TimeBoo, a wristwatch made from Bamboo (the housing). I bought it on a designer market in Hamburg. The watch is astonishingly lightweight and I love the minimalistic design. And the price is astonishingly low. A watch for men costs 53 €, which is not much for a...
Motorbike Photography again: Suzuki GSX-R 750
My motorbike photography mania continues. Last week I showed a BMW R 1200 GS, today a Suzuki GSX-R 750 is our model (in fact, both bikes were shot during the same session). The bike belongs to a colleague from work. From day one when I first saw the GSX-R in that...
Studio shoot: BMW R 1200 GS
My photographic year has been dominated by motorbike shoots and I intend to keep it that way. Because it's big fun and the results are very satisfying. In my last studio session I photographed my Yamaha and my friend's Moto Morini (the faithful reader of this blog...
Announcing the relaunch of
Esteemed reader, today I am proudly announcing the relaunch of As you may have noticed, many changes have been made on the blog. In the past weeks I have transferred the content of the lumenatic blog to a self-hosted Wordpress server (I worked on...
Correcting images with mixed light sources in Lightroom 6
Have you ever shot in a situation with two light sources ? A classic example consists of shooting indoors with artificial lamp light and natural light coming from the windows. Unfortunately your camera can be tunes to only one white balance, so a part of the image...
Bikes in autumn foliage, part 2: Nighttime
This is part 2 of the "Bikes in autumn foliage" series. Last week I featured a bike during daytime, this week's post shows another bike at night. This is my Yamaha FZ6 Fazer, on which I posted multiple times this year (e.g. Link1, Link2, Link3). As in the previous...
DIY Motorbike Studioshoot: The Video
If you liked the last post about the studio photoshoot with motorbikes - here is a timelapse video illustrating the process.
Homemade motorbike studio shoot
I have photographed motorbikes excessively this year (Link1, Link2, Link3). All these shootings took place in the bike’s natural habitat: roads, streets and in one case an open field. These shootings are fairly easy concerning the logistical part - just take the bike...
Bike in autumn foliage, part 1: Daytime
The motorbike season is over, the leaves are falling and so are the temperatures. At the moment it is cold and dry, which might give me one last bike trip this year. But once a little rain will fall, the rustling foliage will turn into road soap and terminate the...
Operating theatres
I'm a member of a Facebook group where photographers from Hanover share images, coordinate events and discuss all the stuff photographers are discussing. Recently two of the members, who happen to work at a big local hospital, organized a behind-the-scenes-tour...
Photographing inside a submarine, part 2
On the island Fehmarn in the Baltic Sea, just off the German coast, lies a post-WW2 submarine of the German navy. It has been converted into a museum and after posting about a WW2 submarine I thought it would make nice mini-series. The shooting conditions were similar...
Photographing inside a WW2 submarine
In Laboe, a German city at the Baltic Sea, you can visit a WW2 submarine which has been turned into a museum. Needless to say I wanted to see and photograph it. The submarine is a Type VII C boat, which entered service in September 1943. The german Reich built 693...
Blood Moon
There has been an extensive coverage of the recent lunar eclipse (bloodmoon). I also headed out in the middle of the night to photograph that event. The night before I prepared everything in such a way, that I just had to get up in the night, jump into my clothing and...
Washing a backpack (because a dog peed on it)
Earlier this year I was on vacation with my family. One day we went to a large field to let a kite fly. My backpack (A Crumpler muffin top in olive green), along with other stuff, lay some dozen meters away while we let the kite soar up in the air. Another family with...
Broken GoPro LCD screen due to cheap accessories
The glass of the my GoPro's front LCD screen is cracked. I have not witnessed the moment it cracked, but ca reconstruct how the damage happened. It happened while I used the camera in the frame mount. I did not buy the original frame mount but a cheap one from Amazon...
A roadtrip video Aaaaaaaaand another bike video (Nienstedt pass here - taken in six individual runs to get more angles of the same route - and the Kyffhäuser Pass - edited to a metal version of the Monkey Island theme song). To be honest - I...
Spontaneous bike photoshoot – the video This is the video to the spontaneous bike shoot post from yesterday. Enjoy !
A bike in the sunset
Sometimes things do not go as planned and one has to jump on an opportunity which comes along. August 29th was a "super moon" - the moon was as close to earth as it gets on its elliptical path, hence a very large moon should be visible. I took the opportunity, packed...
Kyffhäuser Pass
Yet another motorcycle video today. During my trip to watch the Perseid meteor swarm I also took some footage of me and my buddy going up and down the Kyffhäuser pass. The Kyffhäuser is a huge monument in the middle of Thuringa (Germany), a few hours from Hanover....
Driving the Nienstedt Pass
In the recent weeks I blogged about motorcycle photography (part 1, part 2) and how to position a GoPro camera on a motorcycle. In today's post I will show you a video I made on the Nienstedt pass, which is a popular track among cyclists in the Hanover region. In this...
Photographing the Perseid meteor shower
The earth is flying through the Perseid meteor swarm again and the night sky is showered with falling stars. Since the heavy light pollution in cities makes it next to impossible to observe this event, I chose to go to a more remote location. I made a two-day trip...
Nine ways to position a GoPro on a motorcycle
The attentive reader of my blog will have noticed that I got a motorcycle recently. I made several photo sessions with motorcycles (part 1, part 2), and the transition from photo to video was just a question of time. And since I am that geeky kind of gear-loving...